After the 'late-night-eating' at the restaurant, me and my buddies went upstairs hang-out inside. The clock showed nearly 2am in the morning. After a while in that room, the bored situation began to attacked. Then, my nocturnal-buddy, Doja, emitted his idea. "Hey, guy. Do you want to karoeke? I have a lot of karoeke CDs.." Oh, no. Please don't start it. Tomorrow, I have to work. Thats was the sentences which I gave to him that night and guess what? I was late on work. Hearing Doja's voice on microphone make my ear screaming for help. The song entitled 'Demo Kawe Kaseh' invaded my imagination, even came into my dream. The song that he sang that night were in the list below:
- Demo Kawe Kaseh (You that I loved)
- Sapo Ketuk Pintu Rumahku (Who's knocking my door)
- Sahara (Sahara; it's name of person)
- Hampa (?)
- Cinta Kristal (Cristal love)
- Jate Boyo (Croc guy)
- Bunga Larangan (Forbidden Flower)
- Realiti dan Fantasi (Reality and Fantasy)
- Pusara di Lebuh Raya (Grave on the Highway)
- Oh.. Ibu (Oh..Mother)
P/s : On that morning, I have to drink 3 cups of coffee, 5 ciggar, and my boss charged me. Thanks buddy. Friend forever!
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